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I decided to have my knee replaced when..
How my life changed after knee replacement

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Stories - I decided to have my knee replaced when:

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Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Here i am at Day 12 and I still can't believe I really had the knee replacement surgery done. I've waited for so long that it seems unreal.

Since Day 3, I've been in a good amount of pain. My original pain prescription, OXY, helped the pain, but it make me feel awful. Dizzy, lethargic, and of more concern - I felt depressed.

My surgeon changed my meds to Norocs - which made me feel more human, but didn't do anything for the pain. After much deliberating, I decided to go back to the OXY.

Yesterday I finally put on my makeup and blew my hair dry. That in of itself was a huge moral lifter. With the pain now under control with the OXY, I felt determined to not allow the meds to bring me down. A change in my attitude helped.

Today I felt so great. I felt as if I could conquer the world. My therapist gave me new exercise to do which I was able to do without much additional pain. It tired me out - and so I laid down for about 30 minutes. Well, I ended up napping for 3 1/2 hours.

Now, at a little after 7:00pm, I'm still feeling great. I now see that I will survive the recovery of knee replacement surgery.

One day at a time, and keeping my eyes on the prize. The pain I feel is healing pain which will go away - and leave me with an opportunity to lead a better life.

When did you see the light at the end of the tunnel?

Eydie :)
eydie, hope you are healing more as each day passes! I am having. bilateral knee replacement August 7 and am rather nervous !
I have LTKR tomorrow 6/28/2018. Enjoyed reading your story.
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