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I decided to have my knee replaced when..
How my life changed after knee replacement

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Bucket list dreams

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I've always enjoyed travelling and have had some amazing trips over the years. I intended to have some more before my knees deteriorated anymore. Last year I had a marvellous time touring in Peru but discovered I was far more restricted than previously and was unable to do as much as I'd hoped. However things calmed down and I went to Vietnam and Cambodia as previously booked in February. By the time I got home I knew I couldn't delay going down the TKR route. I no longer dared to carry my granddaughter in case my knee gave way and my regular baby sitting duties had to be carefully planned so she was put to bed by mum or dad before they left. I saw my doctor, 2 weeks later saw the consultant, 8 weeks later had my operation. I'm now 4 weeks post op. Hopefully will be ready for my next adventure in New Zealand in 5 months time.
Supergranbee also known as @linda_beesley.
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